Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Download An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation by Nyasha Junior

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An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation

by Nyasha Junior

Binding: Paperback
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Results An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation

An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation provides a muchneeded introduction to womanist approaches to biblical interpretation It argues that womanist biblical interpretation is not simply a byproduct of feminist biblical interpretation but part of a distinctive tradition of African American womens engagement with biblical texts Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation Junior does an outstanding job in bringing insight to historical issues with profound background information She tackles contemporary issues with grace provoking readers to move forward in their quest whether they identify as feminist or womanist or even a conglomeration of the two An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation Introduction Womanist biblical interpretation is relatively new in the development of academic biblical studies but African American women are not newcomers to biblical interpretation The purpose of this book is to provide a brief introduction to womanist biblical interpretation with relevant background on feminist biblical Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation OnScript Book An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation Westminster John Knox Press 2015 provides an engaging and informative introduction to womanist approaches to the Bible Nyasha Junior situates Womanist Biblical interpretation in relation to feminist and womanist scholarship and manages to cut through the complex range of ways that writers employ the term ‘womanism’ to offer a clear description and analysis of her subject An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation Nyasha Junior’s An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation serves as a valuable exploration of one category of womanist readings of the Bible inside and outside the academy This exploration comes with a caveat however Junior is an African American woman but not a selfidentified womanist Why I’m reading Nyasha Junior The Christian Century In the meantime I recommend reading An Introduction to Womanist Biblical Interpretation which was published in 2015 In this accessible and eyeopening book Junior illuminates the long tradition of black women’s biblical interpretation and invites us into it Womanist interpretations of the BiBle Byron’s essay “Black Collectors and Keepers of tradition resources for a Womanist Biblical ethic of reinterpretation” illuminates the rich tradition of black bibliophiles and collectors such as 10 sata as shakur unisex liberation ink quoted on “Get involved in the fight for Black lives” A Biblical Perspective That Recognizes Black Women Womanist biblical interpretation draws on feminist work but it has its own unique history and development Womanist approaches in biblical studies connect with womanist work in religious studiesrelated fields such as ethics theology and homiletics—as well as with the rich history of AfricanAmerican women’s engagement with biblical texts outside of the academy